
Jan here, I wanted to tell you all that Ryan is over at my house. Yes Ryan, he is awsome at everything he does!!!! Get out of here!!!!! Hi guys, sorry that was Ryan, I logged in then had to go to the bathroom and SOMEONE (pointing to Ryan) wrote on my blog!!!!!! I so beat him in a duel on WOW. I was WOW, literally!!! Lol. And so he's reading what i'm writing. Yes and so is Megan. She's been following us everywhere even though she hates WOW. Hmmm.... why am i not surprised. And so Ryan is now looking over my shoulder and Megan is getting all of us some coke. Yummi yummi coke. Lol. I'll put Ryan on for a few min. Although I hope he doesn't brag about himself too much.

Hey you guys,
Ryan here, Jans awsome. She's nice. But her sister Megan is kinda creepy. She keeps following us and so now i'm feeling really really paranoid. Hmmm.... I wonder why. And so now i'm pendering the thought of why. Hmmmm....hmmmmm....... Okay, done. So tomorrow I have basketball practice and the day after that family reunion. Wow, now that I think of it Jan has to post a lot of things.

Jan's back!!!! yay me!! I hope Ry hasn't been boring you to death with his family and personal problems. "I hate you" says Ry playfully. Lol.
Gotta go, bye.

Keep readin'


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