
Hi readers,
I am so happy happy happy!! I am so happy and all!!!!!!! School got postponed for 2 hours!!!! ecause of pipes or something, so anyway, i am still happy and doing stuff. Rehsa is happy about it and so isn't aubrey. Lalalalalalala. It's a good day out i guess, it's sunny too, i guess. Lol. I'm gonna go change in capris, so bye!!!


There's nothing to do, and i'm bored and Megan is still bothersome. I also didn't have the heart to tell Ry that we couldn't be friends anymore. He talked to me and I talked back, i's not like i'm mad at him, i just on't want my step-sister to keep *following* me. It's VERY creepy.I also saw Stella and Rehsa today, my other friend Lyla said something really mean to Rehsa and all.. i'm no supposed to talk about it, cuz it's their buisiness. I gotta go. Bye

My puppy.

Look!! Here's a picture of what my puppy's gonna look like, this isn't my puppy it's just what it's gonna look llike!

(Cutey isn't it?)

My friends!

Jan here. I'm dedicating this post to my friends who i'm gonna put a summaray of!!!!

Kelly-Sue is my cousin, we are every good friends. She's an outdoorsy person and i'm more of an inside person and she is kinda rich. Lol. We are both computer freaks, love climbing trees and going scootering. We act like such kids for our age!!!! If only she could make good pies....
She's my all around BFF, i've known her since i was 3 and she was 4. Yes she's one year older than I am but she always acts like she's still 14. Well, she actually still is. Her B-day is in April. She's very grounded, and she has one bratty little brother.
She's sisters with Jenny, one of my other friends. She's the comedian of the group, she likes to make people laugh and smile and she's always there for you and sensitive. She's pretty and smart and has so much charisma she lights up the whole room.
She is Stella's sister, she's very sensitive and serious about what she's doing. She's great at tether-ball, and always likes to talk. She and Stella don't always see eye to eye but they are great friends anyway.
Lahra is sporty, she does every sport except football, and is super smart, just like Therehsa. She is always my partner for class projects and she's a walking math dictionary. In math, that's her best subject.
Therehsa (Rehsa)
Rehsa is super smart, like i mentioned earlier and she does 2 sports, basketball and soccer. She has a lot of energy and she's VERY dramatic about certain things. I really don't know what else to put about her except that she's pretty popular though.
Rose is a total tomboy, she bounces of the walls everyday and she's super smart like Lahra and Rehsa, she's great at art projects, very flexible and can do a backflip on a trampolin(At least she used to be able to).
She is very boy crazy and has to have a boyfriend, it creeps me out. All the boys in my grade are just friends and it's weird having eliza date them. It's just wrong. (Twitchy twitchy) She's smart too i guess, she likes dressing up more than i do though. I am still one of her best friends.

So there you have it. My inner circle of friends. They are weird but I love them all like a sister.



Jan here, i'm so excited. I'm getting a husky puppy!!! She soooo cute. I'm gonna name her Destiny!!!!! I'll post a picture later on this post. I can't right now because i'm at a different computer and can't put picture on the desktop. And then we have a german shephard who hates me and won't let me pet her/ play with her, she doesn't even like to be in the same room as me. But my new puppy will love me more than Aubrey. (The german shephard loves aubrey!) !!!!! I'm gonna go buy a bed for Destiny.
P.S. The puppy is a siberian husky and i'm not gonna post a picture of her, only what she's gonna look like.


I got problems, Aubrey's lwaving for a slumber party for 2 whole day. Dylan's gonna visit his dad, kyle, and logan are gonna visit their mom and Megan'sstaying home with me and Jon. (Mom's going out to dinner and is gonna be back really really late!!!!!) So now i'm livin toture until school. Which is like 30 more minutes a wait. I can't believe i'm saying this but I want schoooll!!!!!!!!!! Lol. I don't know what to do when i see Ry. He can't come over cuz he has basket-ball practice. He tried out yesterday, that's why he was late showing up to my house. Turns out he's the best player on the team and coach loved him and appointed him captain. Stinks, I can't talk to him either because i have track meet. I'm pondering what's inside my head. Hmmm.

Step-sister problems!

Jan here, i've been talking mostly about Ry, he's funny and nice but i don't know if the friendship is gonna work out cuz, i mean Megan is kinda scaring me. It's like she's stalking me instead of following. After he left she's like *can i hang out with you guys. I don't care what you do even if it's something i hate. I just wanna hang. PLEASEEEEE?!?!?!!?!?!* seee!!!!! freakinesss!!! I can't have my step-sister stalking or whatever she calls *following*. I need help. What do you think. I was thinkin of saying. *leave me ALONE!!!* but that seemed kinda harsh.Lol. If you have any opinions comment.

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